회사 검색 횟수 표시된 그래프 보여주기 각 회사를 검색한 횟수가 표시된 그래프가 올라오면 좋을 것 같습니다. 회사에 대한 전망을 사람들이 어떻게 보고 있는지를 한 눈에 볼 수 있을테니까요. 1 vote Vote Vote Vote Vote We're glad you're herePlease sign in to leave feedback Signed in as (Sign out) Close Close 1 vote 2 votes 3 votes Remove votes You have left! (?) (thinking…) dongon88 shared this idea · Dec 2, 2014 · Report…Report… · Delete… · Admin → How important is this to you? Not at all You must login first! Important You must login first! Critical You must login first! We're glad you're herePlease sign in to leave feedback Signed in as (Sign out) Close Close Tweet Add a comment… We're glad you're herePlease sign in to leave feedback Signed in as (Sign out) Close Close Post comment Submitting... An error occurred while saving the comment